I have partnered with:

Alexa Hur
Community Lead, We Work
a delight to have in our office
“Amy’s event was both informational and helpful in getting our members to understand the fundamentals in retraining your brain to be more positive. Her bright and cheery personality combined with an excellent presentation packed with personal testimonials and interesting facts made her a delight to have in our office.” – “Thanks for everything, Amy! I’m glad Tuesday was such a success.”
Steve Mazzuca
Principal Data Scientist, IBM
“Thank You. My team and I got a lot out of your material. We had a good conversation during lunch so I know that you made as big an impression on them as on me.”
Ms. Jolly
Founder, Hudson Montessori
“I heard everyone loved it!” (Ms. Jolly was away on the day but heard from the staff and teachers, and told me when she bumped into me.)

Ms. Gina
Director, Hudson Montessori
“Amy conducted Professional Development for the teaching staff at our school. Her style was welcoming and her program was insightful. We had a terrific professional development day. Our teachers enjoyed and learned so much as they fully engaged in the topic and activities. Lots of learning and ideas to share and use with our children. ”

Ms. Grace
Lead Teacher, Hudson Montessori
“Thank you Amy Nguyen for such an enriching workshop!”
A Parent
Hudson Montessori
“I heard it was really great!”

Happiness Infinity Online Retreat
“I feel so good. There are a lot of things we don’t reflect often everyday.”
“It’s so nice meeting you guys online. I feel like I’ve known you forever and it’s like a group of friends meeting. It felt so intimate. It felt so personal.”
“I’d say this is a really life changing session for me, especially living in Germany and talking to people across the world. It’s been really wonderful.”
“Thank you, Amy. Thanks to you that now I have a lot of things written down which I have been meaning to do for a long time since 1st of January but it happened today.”
“The goals I’ve put in are not something I’d have done by myself. I also got a couple of ideas from you. I’ve learnt a lot from others here as well.”
“You are among unique people that I really look upon. It’s so nice to see someone like that. I got inspired by you, Amy.”
“It’s so nice meeting you guys online. I feel like I’ve known you forever and it’s like a group of friends meeting. It felt so intimate. It felt so personal. We have everybody opened up and we have honest conversations and I just realized that there are many out there who have the same challenges, who are going through the same things, with kids, with family, with career. It’s so refreshing for me to connect with them, also emotionally and understand them.”

Various Mothers in a Happiness Workshop for Mothers
“Really inspiring.”
“A wonderful, energetic and positive speaker.”
“I now understand about how to be truly Happy and am motivated to take action to be happier.”
“Interesting to know about the science behind the hacks. I really enjoyed doing the Happiness Infinity Magnet!”
Samantha Giannangeli
People Operations Lead, Ellevate Network
“Amy was engaging, friendly, and fun. Her stories were interesting and candid, and she left our team with practical tips and exercises to help us reflect on our experience and hardwire happiness.” – “Thanks so much for joining us on Tuesday, and for helping us change the way we think about happiness as a team! Thanks again for being a part of our Lunch & Learn program! We loved having you here with us.”

Maria Collin – Goodman
Founder, Mamas Got Mojo
“Amy is a delight to work with, always engaged and enthusiastic. She exudes a genuine passion for helping women, moms in particular, to shift negative thought patterns and setting achievable goals. As a speaker, she commands the room by sharing personal stories, hands on exercises that are easy to grasp and she backs it up with scientific research and data. Moms are left feeling understood, less alone in their struggles and most of all empowered to change their lives. I can’t recommend Amy enough as a speaker, She is a true powerhouse making a huge impact in women’s lives.”

Peiyi Sun
Alumni Relations Manager, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy
“A professional yet friendly session. Amy shared with her fellow alumni and juniors from Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy on how to create a solid and fulling career regardless of circumstances, which has never been more important during the Covid-19 period. We enjoyed the way she delivered the content, how she structured the session and especially how she interacted with the audience. We all left with some takeaways. “

Administrative Professional Conference & Executive Assistant Summit 2021, Chicago
On feelings after the workshop:
On feelings after the guided meditation in the middle of the Happier YOU workshop:
From messages and emails after the workshop:
“I very much enjoyed your session and story. I learned so much and have even practiced it! Thank you so much and hope to see you again.”
“I want to thank you for your workshop at the 2021 APC in Chicago. It was time well spent for me.”
JoDee Goracke, Program Director
Society of Industrial/Organizational Psychology
“I just wanted to reach out to say thank you again for the session for the Society of Industrial/Organizational Psychology community! You were a pleasure to work with, and I loved the introspection and alignment activity you brought to the group.”

Michelle Forzaglia
Eastchester PTA Council President, New York
“Amy’s workshop was VERY MOTIVATIONAL. Her willingness to share personal experiences helped our parents reflect on their own struggles and how to deal with them. In our chaotic society with so many choices and distractions, it’s reassuring to have Amy share the science of how and why we need to rewire our brain for happiness. Thank you!”
Vidya Bhat
Principal, Waverly School, New York
“WOW, Amy! Just wanted to say thanks again! That was such a POIGNANT presentation and I really appreciate you taking the time to share that information with our school/district community.”