By the time you read this post, you may have seen a lot of advertisements out there regarding living the life you want, working anywhere you love, or transforming your […]
Behind the New (Exciting) Chapter of My Life
In the 2nd half of 2016, I made one of the biggest decisions in my life: quitting my job as the Head of Employee Relations/Happiness at the biggest e-commerce company […]
The Confession about That Another Side of Me
I had been holding my breath, and finally I decided to share about another side of my life that only my family and very few had known of before. At […]
It’s not been over yet. It’ll never. And I am grateful for that. I will find myself still over the moon in those melting moments now and then. I will… […]
25 Years on, I am Grateful for These 2 Business Lessons from Childhood
That was a summer when I was around 9 years old. I owned a big library of story books a small part of which was mine and the major part of […]